When Should I Be Concerned About Hand Pain?

Our hands are complex structures with twenty-seven bones in each of them. As one of the most important parts of our body that are constantly being used, they are susceptible to injury. Hand pain can occur in different parts of the skeletal structure, including in the bones, joints, nerves, or tissues. Many of the conditions affecting hand pain can be helped with different treatments. Syosset physical therapy can recommend specific exercises and treatments for your individual hand pain. 

Possible Causes of Hand PainSyosset physical therapy

Hand pain can be agitating and uncomfortable for many reasons. Many of these pains can be treated medically, while several of them can be relieved on your own with self-care. Some of the common causes of hand pain include: 

  • Arthritis 
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome 
  • Gout 
  • Osteoarthritis 
  • Tendon problems 
  • Scleroderma 

All-Star Syosset Physical Therapy Home Remedies  

Sometimes, hand pain can be solved and improved with some simple home remedies. Home managing can relieve persistent symptoms and reduce the amount of pain in your hands. 

Try rotating your wrists counter-clockwise and back around ten times. Then, open your hands wide and spread your fingers apart, closing into a tight fist after. Try extending your fingers on one hand with the other for a wrist stretch. You can also massage your hands or apply heat or ice to calm the pain. Syosset physical therapy will be able to recommend exercises and stretches to properly address your hand pain. 

When to Visit a Doctor 

If your hand pain is persistent and not going away on its own, it might be time to visit the doctor. Here is when you should consider going to the doctor for hand pain: 

  • Symptoms do not improve with home remedies 
  • You have pain or discomfort even when the hand is still 
  • Pain, swelling, or function is getting worse 
  • There are signs of infection 
  • You feel tingling or numbness regularly  
  • Everyday activities are causing pain or are difficult to perform 
  • Over-the-counter medications do not help 

Visit All-Star PT – Syosset Physical Therapy 

Hand and wrist pain can make everyday life uncomfortable and difficult. A physical therapist is able to identify the source of your hand pain and properly treat it. Hand therapy and exercises recommended by Syosset physical therapy will reduce your pain and improve your life. Contact All Star Physical Therapy today to request your appointment and take care of your hand pain.