Physical Therapy For Shoulder

Physical Therapy for Shoulder Pain 

Shoulder pain can prevent you from doing a lot of the things you love and some of the things you need to do. Due to the shoulder being such an integral part of the way your arm moves, a shoulder injury affects how your entire arm works, not just that specific spot. Shoulder pain can stop you from doing most of your daily activities, so you must take good care of your shoulder if it experiences debilitating pain. If you or a loved one suffer from intense shoulder pain, book an appointment with All-Star Physical Therapy. We will ensure that your shoulder gets treated properly and that you will get back to your normal self in no time!

Causes of Shoulder Pain 

There are many factors that lead to shoulder pain as the shoulder is a complex joint that has many different parts and functions. Some causes of shoulder pain are:

  • Broken Arm
  • Broken Collarbone
  • Bursitis
    • Joint Inflammation
  • Dislocated Shoulder
  • Frozen Shoulder
  • Heart Attack
  • Osteoarthritis
    • Breakdown of Joints
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
    • Inflammatory Joint Disease
  • Rotator Cuff Injury
  • Separated Shoulder
  • Sprains
  • Tendinitis
  • Tendon Rupture
  • Torn Cartilage

As you can see, there are many different causes of shoulder pain. If you suffer from any of these causes, you must visit our physical therapy office. If you wait to treat any of these conditions, diseases, or injuries then the pain will worsen, and surgery may be the only option at that point. 

Benefits of Physical Therapy 

All of the causes of shoulder pain listed above have something in common; they can be treated by physical therapy. Physical therapy is a very useful form of treatment, especially for shoulder injuries. Some of the benefits that can come from physical therapy are:

  • Reduce and Eliminate Pain
  • Avoid Surgery
  • Improve Mobility
  • Prevent Falls
  • Recover/Prevent a Sports Injury
  • Manage Vascular Conditions
  • Manage Age-Related Issues
  • Manage Other Conditions

Physical Therapy can work wonders if you suffer from shoulder pain. It’s essential that you start your physical therapy earlier rather than later, or it may not be as effective.

Contact Us 

If you suffer from shoulder pain and are looking for the right place to get treated, contact All-Star Physical Therapy. Our team of experts are trained to deal with shoulder injuries of all kinds, and can certainly help you return to your normal self. 

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Physical Therapy Provider
All-Star Physical Therapy
Healthcare Service
Shoulder Injury Treatment