If you or someone you know is suffering from elbow pain, get in touch with our expert team here at All-Star Physical Therapy! We take pride in the opportunity to help our patients live pain-free! Contact us today to learn more about how we can help alleviate your elbow pain.
Elbow pain can be known as a sharp pain or discomfort due to a sprain, dislocation, infection, fracture, or autoimmune condition. Elbow pain can be constant or staggered, depending on what is causing it. If you are someone who suffers from elbow pain, a great way to help treat it is by visiting a physical therapist.
The elbow is an important part of the body and is needed for most daily functions. It is made up of the bone of the upper arm (humerus), the inner bone of the forearm (ulna), and the outer bone (radius). Pain in the elbow can diminish the way we do some activities, so it is important to get the proper help.
Although there are various causes to elbow pain, it is usually caused by a strain or overuse of the joint. The list below is the most common conditions to produce elbow pain:
There could be many other underlying causes as well. If you have any of the conditions above make sure to visit a physical therapist at All-Star Physical Therapy to get your elbow function back!
A physical therapist will treat your pain through the use of exercises and treatment plans depending on your condition. Therapy includes joint rest to decrease its motion and stress. It is important to get your elbow pain treated right away so that it does not worsen in the future. At All-Star Physical Therapy, our professional and experienced staff is dedicated to helping you in any way we can. Visit us today!